Professional diver

We are pleased to have Agust Daniel as our friend. Hailing from Iceland, he picked up diving at a young age and has clocked in more than 2000 dives since 2015. That’s like almost 1 dive a day on average for the last seven years! Amazing feat for a 28-year old who works as a commercial diver; doing underwater constructions, welding and film productions.
Agust and water are inseparable. Even when he is not working, he spends his holidays in warm oceans, diving and taking underwater photos. Talking about his recent dive trip in Red Sea (also his most memorable) will get his eyes beaming with excitement as he shares sightings of countless sharks, mobulas (or devil rays), turtles on top of amazing coral reefs and shipwrecks. He has set his next goal to dive in Bikini Atoll and explore the world-famous wrecks.
Diving is challenging but calming at the same time. It brings one to places others can only dream of. The beauty of underwater marine life and shipwrecks around the world with their rich history are the allure of diving to this adventurous Icelandic.
Thank you for having Horizon as your dive buddy!