Our story

Fred Bekher
''Over a decade ago, the notion of crafting own timepiece captivated his imagination. However, the initial fervor for this pursuit waned as swiftly as it arose, giving way to a newfound appreciation for the artistry of watch design. This discovery charted the course for his creative journey in the years that followed.
He continue to contribute as a freelance designer for numerous microbrands, each collaboration an invaluable chapter in own ongoing learning experience.
Yet, within every artist resides a dream, a vision waiting to be realized. It was only a couple of years ago that he decided to breathe life into a watch entirely conceived from own unique perspective.
The result of this pursuit is now before you, a testament to the evolution of a dream. We invite you to explore our creations and form your own opinion on their merit. Your perspective is the final brushstroke that completes the canvas of our journey.
Welcome to a space where time is not just measured but crafted—a space where our creations, imperfect as they may be, are a reflection of a genuine passion for design.''
Horizon Watches results from the collaboration between Ukrainian watch designer, Fred Bekher, and Singaporean watch entrepreneur, Sugiharto Kusumadi. Fate brought the two men together. They soon found that they shared not only a passion for well-designed, quality timepieces with elements of surprise but also a strong work ethic, which have resulted in a solid partnership. Horizon Watches is the realisation Bekher’s longtime dream of having his own watch brand.